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It should also be remembered that during this simulation it is indeed matlab programming case that each one other things do remain identical, matlab programming marks being awarded in matlab programming presence of matlab second examiner, but analysed as if there has been matlab single examiner. If matlab programming presence of matlab second examiner definitely adjustments matlab programming behaviour of examiners then matlab programming outcomes would likely be larger still. It is under no circumstances clear how statistical answers can be developed to matlab programming challenge of deciding on examiner biases with only matlab single examiner at each station. A non statistical possibility may be to have full video recording, with other examiners in consequence reviewing cases and re scoring them. Of course that also calls for wide examiner time, and in matlab programming final analysis would presumably be equal in examiner time to having two examiners at matlab station in matlab programming first place. An alternative method might be only to study video tapes of examiners whom matlab preliminary analysis has recommended may be marginal when it comes to their indices of bias, though even how that could work is not clear. The age range of matlab programming patients was among 40 and 65 years old which commonly constitute matlab programming age range of high IOP cases. Each patients level of eye force was recorded in matlab programming database by ophthalmologists, and matlab programming images were labeled as high or normal IOP. The IOP range of matlab programming 200 normal eye pressure cases were 1120 mmHg with mean of 14. 7 mmHg, and matlab programming range of matlab programming 200 high eye force cases were 2130 mmHg with mean of 24. 7 mmHg. The IOP cutoff used in this research is 20 mmHg as suggested by matlab programming ophthalmologists.